Where can you access insights from 95 individuals with a combined 2,700 years of business experience and 4,600 years of people experience? Right here!
Motivating Your Mind-Inspiring Your Spirit 2015 is a 115-page e-book with stories, tips, insights and case studies from industry experts, CE0s, CFOs, company directors and business owners.
My son David and I each contributed an article.
Some contributors, like New Zealander Andrew Fleming, overcame life challenges at a scale most of us never face. Andrew’s story is very powerful in changing perceptions on everyday challenges we all face to moving us past our mental blockages.
Going back to study can be daunting. Simple, yet effective strategies make all the difference, like the five study tips provided by Karen Boyes.
Looking for help with delivering presentations? Check out David Goldwich’s Three Tips to a Powerful Message.
These three examples are just a small sampling of the contributions you’ll find in this e-book that we’re sharing as a gift for your benefit.
Go ahead! Download Motivating Your Mind-Inspiring Your Spirit 2015 here.
Bob Urichuck is an internationally sought after speaker, trainer—founder of the “Buyer Focused” Velocity Selling System—and best-selling author in six languages. His latest books, Velocity Selling: How to Attract, Engage and Empower Buyers to Buy, and Motivate Your Team in 30 Days are new in 2014.
Sales Velocity. Your Bottom Line. Our Passion
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